Entah kenapa satu tahun terakhir ini Tuhan lebih mendekatkan pada Asia Timur. Tidak seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya yang didominasi oleh Amerika Utara, tahun-tahun terakhir ini pengaruh Asia Timur saya rasakan begitu kuat dalam diri saya. Pengaruh itu merasuk ke dalam budaya pop yang saya minati, orientasi belajar meneruskan pendidikan, dan sebagainya.
Awalnya perhatian saya pada Jepang dalam hal budaya dan pendidkan tidak seperti pada Amerika Utara dan Eropa. Bahkan hingga saya terpilih mewakili universitas saya dalam kunjungan budaya ke Nagoya University, belum ada perasaan apa-apa pada Jepang.Namun, semuanya berubah ketika saya memulai perjalanan saya ke sana. Kemajuan teknologi, keramahan masyarakat, dan pemandangan eksotis yang belum pernah saya lihat sebelumnya benar-benar bisa membuat Jepang mencuri hati saya.
Kunjungan ke Jepang terasa begitu spesial karena untuk kali pertama saya melihat negara maju di Asia, setelah beberapa kali melihat Amerika Utara dan lewat di Eropa. Perasaan spesial itu ditambah lagi dengan sambutan host family, para dosen dan teman-teman di sana yang luar biasa hangat. Perlu saya akui, saat itu rasa cinta saya pada Jepang yang baru saja muncul tumbuh begitu cepat dan begitu kuat.
Nihon, suki des.
Effect: muncul orientasi untuk melanjutkan studi di sana, lebih sering mendengarkan lagi-lagu Jepan (AKB 48's songs, Moonlight Densetsu, Yumemiru Ai Tenshi), mencoba memainkan klub Jepang di J-League dalam Championship Manager.
Saat budaya pop Korea membanjiri Indonesia, saat teman-teman saya menggilai sinetron dan band Korea, awalnya saya bersikap agak skeptis. Hingga akhirnya saya sempatkan melihat kumpulan film dan video clip band-band Korea di laptop adik saya. Entah kenapa saat itu tiba-tiba saja muncul perasaan tertarik pada budaya Korea, terlebih saat melihat video clip SNSD :D.
Puncaknya saat kunjungan budaya ke Nagoya, saya bertemu dengan teman-teman delegasi dari Seoul National University. Di saat itulah, saya mendapat kesempatan untuk lebih mengenal budaya Korea. Sejak saat itu, saya merasa ikatan saya dengan Korea semakin menguat. Hankuk, saranghae.
Effect: more crazy about Korean pop culture, lebih familiar dengan Korean girl bands (boyband? Hmmm...not so much. :D )
Taiwan influence bermula ketika saya mendaftar sebagai camp leader di work camp IIWC. Seolah seperti jodoh, saya ditempatkan dalam bilateral work camp dengan VYA Taiwan. Jadilah saya camp leader bersama teman saya Mamum dalam Borobudur bilateral work camp kerja sama IIWC Indonesia dengan VYA Taiwan.
Work camp bersama teman-teman Taiwan memberi pengalaman, pembelajaran, dan kenangan yang sangat berharga pada diri saya. Dua minggu kami habiskan bersama melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan kerelawanan dan pembelajaran budaya. Sebagai camp leader, saya benar-benar harus bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan semuanya berjalan lancar, sampai pada titik dimana saya merasa melakukan semuanya demi orang-orang yang saya kasihi. Saya sepenuhnya sadar bahwa saya bertemu dengan mereka pertama kali di bandara Adi Sucipto Jogja sebagai orang lain dan berpisah di tempat yang sama dua minggu kemudian sebagai keluarga. Taiwan, wo ai ini.
Effect: Tiada hari tanpa Chinese music (kok Chinese? Lha iya, wong bahasanya Taiwan kan China); Yue Liang Dai Biao De Xin, Ni Yao De Ai.
Sacrum Yogaslavium Imperium
An Official Blog of Pratama Yoga Nugroho
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
My Active Cellphone Numbers
In light of complaints addressed to me regarding my numbers,
I feel it is necessary to make a public announcement.
On this occasion,I would like to state the following points.
1. My official number is 0856 **** *294. Please do not delete it from your phonebook.
2. My old number 0857 **** *679 has been inactivated since few months ago. Please delete this number if you still save it.
3. In addition to the official number, I also use 0856 **** *867. However, as it is not my official number, it is subject to inactivation.
4. Since February 27 is the most beautiful day in the month, feel free to text or call me to either 294 or 867. :D
Thank you. ;)
I feel it is necessary to make a public announcement.
On this occasion,I would like to state the following points.
1. My official number is 0856 **** *294. Please do not delete it from your phonebook.
2. My old number 0857 **** *679 has been inactivated since few months ago. Please delete this number if you still save it.
3. In addition to the official number, I also use 0856 **** *867. However, as it is not my official number, it is subject to inactivation.
4. Since February 27 is the most beautiful day in the month, feel free to text or call me to either 294 or 867. :D
Thank you. ;)
A Memoir of a 17-year-old Yoga
Today (26/02), when I was looking for an old email in my email inbox, I accidentally found an email that I wrote for an AFS newsletter. This email is an essay about my experience living in the United States in 2004/2005. I wrote this essay about 6 years ago. I found it interesting to imagine a 17-year-old Yoga wrote this essay. Well, 6 years ago, I was still young, yet seemed to be idealistic. Chekc this out. ;)
It has been a long time since I said good bye to my family in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport , Jakarta . It has been a long time since I had orientation in Washington DC and chance to visit awesome monuments and memorials there. It has been a long time since I flew together with Joel to Buffalo and it has been a long time since I spent my first night in Western New York in Mrs. Jayne Mack’s house.
The time is continuingly passing by. I feel now a complicated feeling that the time I have to go back to my country is coming, either fast or slowly. It feels like counting the time second by second, filled with excitement of seeing again my lovely country of Indonesia and sadness of leaving America that makes me so welcomed and comfortable to spend a year of my life.
I begin questioning whether I have done enough for my self, my country, and both AFS and YES program. Sometimes I feel that I have accomplished my duty as an exchange student, but sometimes there is a feeling that comes out, intimidates, and pushes me to do more.
I have been socializing with my community in order to personally broaden my knowledge about American culture and diplomatically form a better understanding among people of the two countries. I have done many presentations to ‘reach’ people who I could not ‘reach’ before.
Throughout the year I have received many interesting questions from question about East Timor and becoming a Muslim exchange student to such question as “Do you keep monkey in your house?” I have also met many different people, from those who like talking about serious topics to those who just said “That’s cool.”
Further I have read news, articles, and opinions about Indonesia , mainly when Tsunami hit and devastated Indonesian province of Aceh and many other areas around the Indian Ocean . I began understanding how international world see and view my country. Yet, my emphasizing to my country increases and becomes even stronger.
For me, it is important to emphasize our country even if we are just teenagers. In fact the teenagers will be the future leaders of their country. In another hand, it is our duty as the young generation to participate in building our country. This idea has been filling my mind with the spirit of nationalism. In the other side, it has been burdening my back and making me feel responsible to elevate Indonesia ’s reputation.
The last I would thank to America for the entire incredible experiences and knowledge that will last forever in the rest of my life. America has been a great country for me. Thus, I hope the relationship between the United States of America and the Republic of Indonesia will be so much better, closer and more developed. Thus, I have a dream. I have a dream that one day American kids will sing Indonesia Raya while Indonesian kids sing the Star Spangled Banner.
Some of my experience in the States:

It has been a long time since I said good bye to my family in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport , Jakarta . It has been a long time since I had orientation in Washington DC and chance to visit awesome monuments and memorials there. It has been a long time since I flew together with Joel to Buffalo and it has been a long time since I spent my first night in Western New York in Mrs. Jayne Mack’s house.
The time is continuingly passing by. I feel now a complicated feeling that the time I have to go back to my country is coming, either fast or slowly. It feels like counting the time second by second, filled with excitement of seeing again my lovely country of Indonesia and sadness of leaving America that makes me so welcomed and comfortable to spend a year of my life.
I begin questioning whether I have done enough for my self, my country, and both AFS and YES program. Sometimes I feel that I have accomplished my duty as an exchange student, but sometimes there is a feeling that comes out, intimidates, and pushes me to do more.
I have been socializing with my community in order to personally broaden my knowledge about American culture and diplomatically form a better understanding among people of the two countries. I have done many presentations to ‘reach’ people who I could not ‘reach’ before.
Throughout the year I have received many interesting questions from question about East Timor and becoming a Muslim exchange student to such question as “Do you keep monkey in your house?” I have also met many different people, from those who like talking about serious topics to those who just said “That’s cool.”
Further I have read news, articles, and opinions about Indonesia , mainly when Tsunami hit and devastated Indonesian province of Aceh and many other areas around the Indian Ocean . I began understanding how international world see and view my country. Yet, my emphasizing to my country increases and becomes even stronger.
For me, it is important to emphasize our country even if we are just teenagers. In fact the teenagers will be the future leaders of their country. In another hand, it is our duty as the young generation to participate in building our country. This idea has been filling my mind with the spirit of nationalism. In the other side, it has been burdening my back and making me feel responsible to elevate Indonesia ’s reputation.
The last I would thank to America for the entire incredible experiences and knowledge that will last forever in the rest of my life. America has been a great country for me. Thus, I hope the relationship between the United States of America and the Republic of Indonesia will be so much better, closer and more developed. Thus, I have a dream. I have a dream that one day American kids will sing Indonesia Raya while Indonesian kids sing the Star Spangled Banner.
Some of my experience in the States:

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Kerikil-Kerikil Tajam di Penulisan Skripsi Kami
Sebagai mahasiswa, pastilah ada semacam impian dari kita untuk bisa menyelesaikan pendidikan tepat waktu. Hal ini tak terkecuali pula bagi mahasiswa jurusan Sastra Inggris terutama mereka yang mengambil Kajian Amerika. Namun hal ini mungkin akan mendapat sedikit kerikil tajam bagi yang mengambil jalur skripsi. Mengapa demikian? Kita sebagai mahasiswa Kajian Amerika secara mayoritas lebih banyak yang mengambil film sebagai objek materi. Hal ini dinilai karena film merupakan objek yang relatif lebih mudah dibanding dengan bilaharus observasi secara langsung. Akan tetapi di jalur inilah kerikil-kerikil tajam itu berserakan.
Pertama, Saat harus memilih film sebagai objek, kita sering “diharuskan” untuk memasukkan unsur eksponensial yang notabene belum pernah kita sentuh sebelumnya. Mungkin untuk beberapa aspek seperti elemen naratif, kita tahu meski hanya sejengkal. Namun saat menginjak wilayah sinematografi kita harus memutar otak, memeras keringat, dan membanting tulang. Selama lebih dari tiga tahun saya bersama jurusan Sastra Inggris, belum pernah saya (dan mungkin teman-teman yang lain juga) masuk teritorial ini. Hal ini semakin diperparah dengan ketidaksesuaian format yang diberikan dari satu dosen dengan dosen lain yang mengampu mata kuliah persiapan skripsi. Ada yang menyatakan bahwa naratif digabung dengan sinematografi tapi ada juga yang menyatakan harus dipisah.
Kedua, setelah tidak tahu menahu tentang standar penulisan, kita dihadapkan dengan kurang adanya standar penilaian dari dosen pembimbing dengan dosen penilai skripsi. Untuk bagian ini, jujur saya tidak mau banyak berargumen karena saya belum mengalaminya. Akan tetapi beberapa teman di jurusan saya mengatakan bahwa beberapa dosen penilai kurang setuju dengan format penulisan yang ada terutama bagian eksponensial.
Ketiga, sempat saya mengobrol dengan beberapa kawan dari kajian Amerika juga yang ternyata juga merasakan apa yang saya rasakan. Kami merasa setelah sekian tahun kami mengambil konsentrasi Kajian Amerika, rasa-rasanya kami sangat dangkal dalam hal metodologi penulisan skripsi dan teori-teorinya. Masih ingat dalan ingatan saya ketika di sebuah kelas seorang dosen bertanya di kelas, “Kalian dapat apa di Theory of Culture?” Sekelas diam semua. “Di Culture Criticism?” Sekali lagi, sekelas diam semua. Kami pun merasakan imbasnya sekarang. Kami harus mencari-cari sendiri cara-cara penulisan skripsi untuk Kajian Amerika dan teori-teori yang digunakan. Untuk itu, sangat bisa dipahami ketika di kelas Pre-Thesis ada segelintir teman yang dengan fasih membahas istilah-istilah seperti poskolonialisme dan false-coonciousness, karena yang segelintir itu kebetulan bacaannya banyak atau mengambil mata kuliah lintas peminatan, sementara sisanya berbekal apa yang mereka pelajari selama bertahun-tahun di Kajian Amerika.
Dari apa yang saya utarakan di atas mungkin elemen yang harus diperbaiki di jurusan kita bukanlah elemen ekstrinsik, naratif, atau sinematografi. Ya, mungkin kita harus bekerja ekstra untuk mereparasi bagian tersebut terutama eksponensial. Akan tetapi ada sebuah elemen lain yang benar-benar harus dikaji ulang; sebuah elemen yang tidak hanya menyentuh permasalahan skripsi saja; elemen yang sering kita lupakan tapi besar manfaatnya. Elemen itu adalah Standarisasi. Standarisasi pengajaran. Standarisasi pembimbingan. Dan standarisasi penilaian. Agar ketika kita berproses mengerjakan skripsi, ada sebuah pegangan yang disepakati bersama, sehingga kita tidak perlu khawatir pegangan yang kita anggap benar disalahkan oleh penguji skripsi.
*Ditulis oleh seorang teman yang meminta identitasnya tidak disebutkan.
Pertama, Saat harus memilih film sebagai objek, kita sering “diharuskan” untuk memasukkan unsur eksponensial yang notabene belum pernah kita sentuh sebelumnya. Mungkin untuk beberapa aspek seperti elemen naratif, kita tahu meski hanya sejengkal. Namun saat menginjak wilayah sinematografi kita harus memutar otak, memeras keringat, dan membanting tulang. Selama lebih dari tiga tahun saya bersama jurusan Sastra Inggris, belum pernah saya (dan mungkin teman-teman yang lain juga) masuk teritorial ini. Hal ini semakin diperparah dengan ketidaksesuaian format yang diberikan dari satu dosen dengan dosen lain yang mengampu mata kuliah persiapan skripsi. Ada yang menyatakan bahwa naratif digabung dengan sinematografi tapi ada juga yang menyatakan harus dipisah.
Kedua, setelah tidak tahu menahu tentang standar penulisan, kita dihadapkan dengan kurang adanya standar penilaian dari dosen pembimbing dengan dosen penilai skripsi. Untuk bagian ini, jujur saya tidak mau banyak berargumen karena saya belum mengalaminya. Akan tetapi beberapa teman di jurusan saya mengatakan bahwa beberapa dosen penilai kurang setuju dengan format penulisan yang ada terutama bagian eksponensial.
Ketiga, sempat saya mengobrol dengan beberapa kawan dari kajian Amerika juga yang ternyata juga merasakan apa yang saya rasakan. Kami merasa setelah sekian tahun kami mengambil konsentrasi Kajian Amerika, rasa-rasanya kami sangat dangkal dalam hal metodologi penulisan skripsi dan teori-teorinya. Masih ingat dalan ingatan saya ketika di sebuah kelas seorang dosen bertanya di kelas, “Kalian dapat apa di Theory of Culture?” Sekelas diam semua. “Di Culture Criticism?” Sekali lagi, sekelas diam semua. Kami pun merasakan imbasnya sekarang. Kami harus mencari-cari sendiri cara-cara penulisan skripsi untuk Kajian Amerika dan teori-teori yang digunakan. Untuk itu, sangat bisa dipahami ketika di kelas Pre-Thesis ada segelintir teman yang dengan fasih membahas istilah-istilah seperti poskolonialisme dan false-coonciousness, karena yang segelintir itu kebetulan bacaannya banyak atau mengambil mata kuliah lintas peminatan, sementara sisanya berbekal apa yang mereka pelajari selama bertahun-tahun di Kajian Amerika.
Dari apa yang saya utarakan di atas mungkin elemen yang harus diperbaiki di jurusan kita bukanlah elemen ekstrinsik, naratif, atau sinematografi. Ya, mungkin kita harus bekerja ekstra untuk mereparasi bagian tersebut terutama eksponensial. Akan tetapi ada sebuah elemen lain yang benar-benar harus dikaji ulang; sebuah elemen yang tidak hanya menyentuh permasalahan skripsi saja; elemen yang sering kita lupakan tapi besar manfaatnya. Elemen itu adalah Standarisasi. Standarisasi pengajaran. Standarisasi pembimbingan. Dan standarisasi penilaian. Agar ketika kita berproses mengerjakan skripsi, ada sebuah pegangan yang disepakati bersama, sehingga kita tidak perlu khawatir pegangan yang kita anggap benar disalahkan oleh penguji skripsi.
*Ditulis oleh seorang teman yang meminta identitasnya tidak disebutkan.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Beasiswa Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarships (OCISS), University of Oxford, Inggris
The Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies is a Recognized Independent Centre of the University of Oxford. It was established in 1985 to encourage the scholarly study of Islam and the Islamic world. The Centre provides a meeting point for the Western and Islamic worlds of learning. At Oxford it contributes to the multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary study of the Islamic world. Beyond Oxford, its role is strengthened by an international network of academic contacts.
These scholarships have been established by the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies to allow graduates to pursue study of benefit to the Muslim world.
Am I eligible?
Candidates should be applying to start a new graduate course at Oxford.
Please ensure you meet the requirements for entry to your course, including English language requirements.
Open to British Muslim students and students from the following developing countries in Asia and Africa: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Djibouti, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Indonesia, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen Arab Republic.
You must be able to show how your intended course of study is of relevance to the Muslim world. UK students must also be Muslims.
What does it cover?
100% of university and college fees, and a grant for living costs (the rate in 2010-11 was £11,700).
Awards are made for the full duration of a student’s fee liability for the agreed course. If your scholarship is offered for a course lasting more than one year, the continuation of your scholarship each year is subject to an annual renewal process based on satisfactory academic progress. Scholars will be expected to write an annual report about their academic and social activities and achievements at the university.
How do I apply?
Apply at the same time as you apply to Oxford by selecting Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarships (OCISS) in the Funding Section of the University’s Graduate Application Form. Candidates should apply by Application Deadline 2 (7 January 2011 for Medical Sciences and Philosophy; 14 January 2011 for Said Business School applicants; 21 January 2011 for all other subjects).
You must also complete a Scholarship Supporting Statement and upload it together with your Graduate Application Form by the application deadline in order for your application to be complete.
If you do not apply in full by the deadline, you will not be considered for the scholarship, even if you have selected Oxford Centre for Islamic Studeis Scholarships (OCISS) on the Graduate Application Form.
How will I know if I have been successful?
Successful candidates will be notified by email by summer 2011 . This webpage will be updated to show when all decisions have been made. If you have not heard from us by the time this notice is posted, then your application to this scheme has been unsuccessful. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we are unable to contact unsuccessful applicants individually or provide feedback on applications.
Visit http://www.ox.ac.uk/feesandfunding/prospectivegrad/scholarships/university/ocis/
These scholarships have been established by the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies to allow graduates to pursue study of benefit to the Muslim world.
Am I eligible?
Candidates should be applying to start a new graduate course at Oxford.
Please ensure you meet the requirements for entry to your course, including English language requirements.
Open to British Muslim students and students from the following developing countries in Asia and Africa: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Djibouti, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Indonesia, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen Arab Republic.
You must be able to show how your intended course of study is of relevance to the Muslim world. UK students must also be Muslims.
What does it cover?
100% of university and college fees, and a grant for living costs (the rate in 2010-11 was £11,700).
Awards are made for the full duration of a student’s fee liability for the agreed course. If your scholarship is offered for a course lasting more than one year, the continuation of your scholarship each year is subject to an annual renewal process based on satisfactory academic progress. Scholars will be expected to write an annual report about their academic and social activities and achievements at the university.
How do I apply?
Apply at the same time as you apply to Oxford by selecting Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Scholarships (OCISS) in the Funding Section of the University’s Graduate Application Form. Candidates should apply by Application Deadline 2 (7 January 2011 for Medical Sciences and Philosophy; 14 January 2011 for Said Business School applicants; 21 January 2011 for all other subjects).
You must also complete a Scholarship Supporting Statement and upload it together with your Graduate Application Form by the application deadline in order for your application to be complete.
If you do not apply in full by the deadline, you will not be considered for the scholarship, even if you have selected Oxford Centre for Islamic Studeis Scholarships (OCISS) on the Graduate Application Form.
How will I know if I have been successful?
Successful candidates will be notified by email by summer 2011 . This webpage will be updated to show when all decisions have been made. If you have not heard from us by the time this notice is posted, then your application to this scheme has been unsuccessful. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we are unable to contact unsuccessful applicants individually or provide feedback on applications.
Visit http://www.ox.ac.uk/feesandfunding/prospectivegrad/scholarships/university/ocis/
Beasiswa International Training Programme (ITP) ke Swedia
SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) kembali menawarkan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa dan profesional muda di negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia untuk meraih beasiswa melalui program International Training Programmes (ITP) di Swedia atau di beberapa negara berkembang yang telah ditunjuk. Salah satu bidang yang ditawarkan untuk beasiswa pelatihan ini adalah Education for Sustainable Development in Formal Education.
Tujuan utama dari penawaran beasiswa pelatihan ini adalah memberikan kesempatan untuk bertukar pengalaman dan pengetahuan ESD (Education for Sustainable Development/Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan) di sektor pendidikan formal. Program tersebut dipersiapkan untuk mengolaborasikan beragam pandangan dan pemahaman yang berbeda serta beragam mengenai ESD, baik dari sisi ekologi, sosio kultural, serta ekonomi.
Adapun program ITP akan dilaksanakan selama 9–12 bulan. Untuk program yang mengambil tempat di Swedia akan dilaksanakan mulai 12-30 September bulan di Stockholm dan Uppsala.
Bagi yang berminat, informasi bisa dilihat di https://itp.sida.se/itp/Programcatalog. Untuk format aplikasi beasiswa bisa diambil di https://itp.sida.se.
Pendaftaran beasiswa program ini akan ditutup 7 Februari 2011.
Tujuan utama dari penawaran beasiswa pelatihan ini adalah memberikan kesempatan untuk bertukar pengalaman dan pengetahuan ESD (Education for Sustainable Development/Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan) di sektor pendidikan formal. Program tersebut dipersiapkan untuk mengolaborasikan beragam pandangan dan pemahaman yang berbeda serta beragam mengenai ESD, baik dari sisi ekologi, sosio kultural, serta ekonomi.
Adapun program ITP akan dilaksanakan selama 9–12 bulan. Untuk program yang mengambil tempat di Swedia akan dilaksanakan mulai 12-30 September bulan di Stockholm dan Uppsala.
Bagi yang berminat, informasi bisa dilihat di https://itp.sida.se/itp/Programcatalog. Untuk format aplikasi beasiswa bisa diambil di https://itp.sida.se.
Pendaftaran beasiswa program ini akan ditutup 7 Februari 2011.
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