Ikutilah pemilihan Denok dan Kenang Semarang 2010 Grand Final diadakan di Kawasan Tugu Muda Semarang, 1 Mei 2010 Pukul 18.00 s/d Selesai Memperebutkan Trophy Bergilir Walikota Semarang & Trophy Juara + Uang Pembinaan Juara 1 @ Rp. 2.500.000,- Juara 2 @ Rp. 2.000.000,- Juara 3 @ Rp. 1.000.000,-
Pendaftaran Mulai 15 Maret 2010 Dinas Kebudayaan Dan Pariwisata Kota Semarang Gd. Pandanaran Lt. 8 Jl. Pemuda No. 175 – Telp. (024) 70413199
Totok Shahak Modelling School Jl. Mangga VI / 61 – Telp. (024) 8312427
Sanggar Kamala 73 Jl. Parang Kesit Raya 3, Tlogosari – Telp. (024) 6715749 Persyaratan Peserta - Putra-putri usia 17 tahun s/d 25 tahun - Tinggi Badan Putra 170 cm, Putri 160 cm - Biaya Pendaftaran Rp. 75.000,- (Tujuh Puluh Lima Ribu Rupiah) mendapat T-Shirt - Mendapat Ijin orang tua - Mendapat Ijin dari sekolah - Menyerahkan 1 lembar Foto Close Up berwarna Uk. Post Card
AUDISI Minggu, 18 April 2010 DP Mall Semarang Jam 13.00 WIB
WAWANCARA Minggu, 18 April 2010 DP Mall Semarang Jam 15.00 WIB
GRAND FINAL 1 Mei 2010 Pukul 18.30 WIB s/d selesai Sabtu Kawasan Tugu Muda Semarang. |
Friday, April 9, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Menurut Pak Jonathan Moore, seorang pengajar dari Amerika Serikat, ada empat pendekatan yang dapat digunakan dalam melihat suatu artifak:
- Fenomenologis (phenonemonoligacal):
Cara ini lebih menekankan fenomena-fenomena seputar artifak dan menjawab pertanyaan 5W 1H (what, where, when, why, who dan how).
2. Ideologis (Ideological)
Cara ini melihat ideologi/ pesan/ gagasan yang disampaikan dalam artifak
- Moral (Ethical)
Cara ini memberikan penilaian tentang baik-buruk dan benar-salahnya sebuah artifak
- Selebratoris (Celebratory)
Cara ini melihat adanya kesenangan atau sensasi yang ditimbulkan saat seseorang menggunakan atau berhubungan dengan sebuah artifak
Dalam melihat majalah Playboy, yang sering dianggap sebagai artifak kebudayaan Barat khususnya Amerika Serikat, kita dapat menggunakan keempat pendekatan tersebut dengan cara berikut:
- Fenomenologis:
Di sini kita dapat melihat fenomena-fenomena seputar sejarah perkembangan Playboy, isi majalah, pangsa pasar, dan tingkat pembelian.
- Ideolologis (Ideological):
Melalui pendekatan ini kita dapat melihat ’pesan-pesan’ yang ingin disampaikan sender dalam hal ini produsen atau redaktur Playboy kepada receiver atau konsumen, misalnya—seperti yang sering dipersepsikan banyak pihak: nilai-nilai hedonisme, seksualitas, dsb.
- Moral (Ethical):
Dalam pendekatan ini terjadi penilaian baik-buruk atau benar-salahnya Playboy. Yang perlu diingat adalah kita harus tahu penilaian ini dibuat dari sudut pandang mana karena pebedaan sudut pandang dapat menyebabkan perbedaan penilaian. Contoh: beberapa kalangan akan menilai kevulgaran Playboy dalam menampilkan foto-foto modelnya sebagai sesuatu yang buruk yang ’membahayakan moralitas bangsa’ sementara di sisi lain ada yang menilai hal ini biasa saja dengan alasan sebagai sebuah bentuk kebebasan berekspresi.
- Selebratoris (Celebratory)
Di sini kita melihat adanya sensasi yang timbul saat seseorang membaca Playboy. Pendekatan ini sering kali diidentikkan dengan loyalitas. Misalnya ada orang yang lebih memilih untuk membeli Playboy daripada majalah sejenis yang harganya jauh lebih murah karena ada kepuasan tersendiri saat dia membeli Playboy.

Oleh: Pratama Yoga Nugroho*
Perang Dingin antara Blok Barat dan Blok Timur yang berlangsung sejak tahun 1945 secara tak terduga berakhir pada tahun 1991. Hal ini ditandai dengan beberapa momentum yang terjadi di negara-negara eks-komunis seperti digulingkannya diktator-diktator di Romania, Hungaria, dan Bulgaria, dirobohkannya Tembok Berlin, dan yang paling menentukan adalah runtuhnya Uni Soviet, negara sentral komunisme, pada tahun 1991.
Perang Dingin yang berlangsung selama beberapa dekade telah memanaskan suhu dunia dan menciptakan sebuah
Namun pada praktiknya, kampanye tersebut menimbulkan ketidakpuasan dari masyarakat internasional manakala Amerika Serikat memaksakan kehendaknya sendiri dan menerapkan standar ganda. Hal ini dapat dengan mudah kita lihat pada perlakuannya terhadap
Dalam kehidupan sosial, politik, dan budaya, globalisasi yang didengungkan negara-negara maju secara langsung maupun tidak langsung banyak berpengaruh pada tatanan sosial, politik, dan budaya bangsa lain termasuk
Permasalahan pertama dan kedua lebih didominasi oleh eksekutif dan legislatif sementara permasalahan ketiga hendaknya dijawab oleh setiap elemen masyarakat. Pemberdayaan elemen masyarakat, khususnya elemen civitas academica, dapat dilakukan dengan pengajaran civic education atau Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Pengajaran tersebut diharapkan dapat membangkitkan dan meningkatkan kesadaran siswa dan mahasiswa akan permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi bangsa dan negara. Implementasi dari kesadaran tersebut dapat dilihat dari kontribusi dan partisipasi aktif mereka dalam usaha meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan sosial, politik, dan budaya bangsa dan negara secara keseluruhan.
Pengajaran Kewarganegaraan di Indonesia, dan di negara-negara
Pengajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di semua jenjang pendidikan di Indonesia adalah implementasi dari UU No. 2 Tahun 1989 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Pasal 9 ayat (2) yang menyatakan bahwa setiap jenis, jalur, dan jenjang pendidikan di Indonesia Pendidikan Pancasila, Pendidikan Agama, dan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan.
Di tingkat Pendidikan Dasar hingga Menengah, substansi Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan digabungkan dengan Pendidikan Pancasila sehingga menjadi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn). Untuk Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan diajarkan sebagai MKPK (Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian).
Kompetensi yang diharapkan dari mata kuliah Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan antara lain:
a. agar mahasiswa mampu menjadi warga negara yang memiliki pandangan dan komitmen terhadap nilai-nilai demokrasi dan HAM.
b. agar mahasiswa mampu berpartisipasi dalam upaya mencegah dan menghentikan berbagai tindak kekerasan dengan cara cerdas dan damai.
c. agar mahasiswa memilik kepedulian dan mampu berpartisipasi dalam upaya menyelesaikan konflik di masyarakat dengan dilandasi nilai-nilai moral, agama, dan nilai-nilai universal.
d. agar mahasiwa mampu berpikir kritis dan objektif terhadap persoalan kenegaraan, HAM, dan demokrasi.
e. agar mahasiswa mampu memberikan kontribusi dan solusi terhadap berbagai persoalan kebijakan publik.
f. agar mahasiswa mampu meletakkan nilai-nilai dasar secara bijak (berkeadaban).
Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang.
Factors of Religiosity
Wong Ndeso Tetapi Tidak Ndeso, Wong Kota Tetapi Ndeso
Pernah mendengar lagu berjudul Wong Ndeso yang dipopulerkan oleh Thukul Arwana? Lagu tersebut liriknya sebagai berikut:
Puas? Puas?
Puas? Puas?
Ndeso, ndeso, tapi ra popo rejekine kutho
Memang tampang aku katrok
Tapi rejekine
Tampang nggak jadi ukuran
Kadang wajah
Pancen aku wong ndeso
Soal cinta aku Romeo
Buanyak cewek sing trisno
Tapi ora tak pikiri tak sobek-sobek masa bodoh
Just kidding, just for laugh
Dasar wong ndeso, tapi rejekine kutho
No problem, never mind, never mind
Memang tampang aku katrok
Tapi rejekine
Tampang dadi ukuran
Kadang wajah
Pancen aku wong ndeso
Soal cinta aku Romeo
Buanyak cewek sing trisno
Tapi ra tak pikirin tak sobek-sobek masa bodoh
Beberapa bulan yang lalu lagu ini sempat booming terutama di daerah Jawa Tengah. penikmatnya mulai dari anak SD dan tukang becak hingga mahasiswa dan kalangan profesional, baik orang
Secara terminologi, kata wong ndeso berarti orang yang tinggal atau berasal dari desa. Dalam konteks interaksi sosial, makna kata “ndeso” meluas menjadi sifat atau karakter yang kampungan, dalam artian jauh dari anggapan kepatutan umum (public decency) sebagai indah atau bagus. Kata “ndeso” mencakup segi fisik, ekonomi, fashion, dan ide. Sering kita dengar di masyarakat kalimat-kalimat seperti “Tampange kok ndeso banget to?”, ”Penampilane kok ndeso ngono?”, “Cara berpikire wong ndeso iki.” Tentu ini merupakan sebuah stigmasi pada orang-orang yang tinggal atau berasal dari desa.
Dalam lagu ini, Thukul juga menyebut kata
Menurut saya, pelabelan “ndeso” pada orang-orang yang kampungan secara fisik, ekonomi, fashion, dan ide, dan “kota” pada orang yang sebaliknya, berawal dari perbedaan persepsi terhadap orang desa dan orang kota secara umum. Orang
Sebenarnya kalau kita mau melihat lebih dalam, ada generalisasi pada pelabelan ini. Kenyataannya, tidak semua orang desa memiliki sifat seperti di atas. Kita tidak bisa memungkiri fakta bahwa banyak juga orang desa yang kaya, berpenampilan bagus, dan memiliki intelektualitas dan intelegensi yang tinggi. Begitu juga dengan orang
Lantas, pantaskah kita beranggapan bahwa orang desa itu pasti “ndeso” dan orang
Sebuah Catatan Kecil dari DIFEST EDSA
by: Pratama Yoga Nugroho*
Playboy is one of the largest American men’s magazines with 27 international editions. Its domination stretches in five continents, conquering the attention of most men in the world. However, in Indonesia, where a large number of American artifacts prevail, it was widely rejected. It sparked controversy even before its first publication in the country and drew massive protests from a number of Muslim societies. This paper is going to analyze Playboy deeply from four cultural criticisms as well as how and why the rejection of Playboy took place in Indonesia.
Phenomenological Approach
Playboy was founded by Hugh Marston Hefner in 1953. Its original title was to be Stag Party, but there was another magazine entitled Stag. Hefner and co-founder and executive vice-president Eldon Sellers then met to seek a new name. Sellers, whose mother had worked for the Chicago sales office of the short-lived Playboy Automobile Company, suggested “Playboy.” The name “Playboy” has since been used as the name of Hefner’s magazine.
Playboy made its first publication in December 1953, with no date printed as Hefner was unsure whether or not there would be a second edition. This first issue sold out in weeks with the number of circulation reached 53, 991. On its first publication, Playboy was sold at the price of 50 cents.
Playboy’s popularity increased rapidly. By the end of the sixties, one-fourth of all American college men were buying this magazine every month. The best-selling Playboy edition was the November 1972 edition, which sold 7,161,561 copies. In 1972, it also launched its first international edition Germany.
However, not long after reaching its peak in the 1970s, Playboy’s circulation declined because of competition with other magazine with the same concerned field such as Penthouse, Oui and Galley in the 1970s and more recently from other men’s magazine such as such asMaxim, FHM, and Stuff. In response, Playboy has attempted to re-assert its hold on the 18–35 male demography through slight changes to content and focusing on issues and personalities more appropriate to its audience — such as hip-hop artists being featured in the “PlayboyInterview”. Through this strategy, to date Playboy remains one of the most notable men’s magazines with 27 international editions.
In total, Playboy used to be published in 36 countries but there are 9 countries where Playboy stopped its publication. Those 9 countries include Indonesia, Italy, South Africa, Turkey, etc. In Indonesia, Playboywas first published on April 6, 2006, despite massive protests from a large number of Indonesian Muslim societies. Indonesia is the second Asian region where Playboy made its publication after Japan (1975) and Hong Kong (1986-1993) (wikipedia).
Ideological Approach
Hefner said from the beginning that he was not producing a girlie magazine. He said that Playboy was a “life style” magazine, where sex is only a part of it. By publishing Playboy, Hefner was actually trying to take his readers back to a time before their first sexual experience, a time when they still liked their stuffed bear and thought that a naked woman might be something like that. According to Joan Acocella, “Playboy draws on two opposing trends that dominate American mass culture since its first launch: on the one hand, America’s idea of its Huck Finn innocence; on the other, the enthusiastic lewdness of American advertising and entertainment. The magazine proposed that wanton sex, sex for sex’s sake, was wholesome, good for you: a novel idea in the nineteen-fifties. Above all, the main value Playboy promotes is an upscale hedonism,” (the New Yorker).
Despite Playboy’s heated controversy and protests from a number of Muslim societies in Indonesia, the first issue of Playboy sold in weeks (wikipedia). It showed that there were people who actually agreed withPlayboy’s publication in Indonesia. Furthermore, according to a magazine seller, “It’s the porno that sells best, (in Indonesia),” (theGuardian). This phenomenon showed that there were a lot of people who actually enjoyed things such as Playboy which others considered taboo and indecent.
Despite Playboy’s considerably costly price of Rp, 39.000, a friend of mine, AP, a junior at Surabaya Institute of Technology, bought it. He stated that he wanted to satisfy his curiosity about the magazine; to see whether the magazine was actually mostly about pornography. Some of my friends also admitted that though they did not buy the magazine but they enjoyed reading it by borrowing from their friends. This shows that despite the protests, Playboy actually found a place in the heart of some Indonesians.
Moral/ Ethical Approach
Prior to its first publication, Playboy was already infamous Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country. It is because Playboy is identical to promoting nudity and sexuality which are strongly forbidden in the Islamic law. Hasyim Muzadi, the chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia’s largest Muslim organization stated, “Indonesia is different from Europe or America, where the culture and attitudes towards nudity are totally different from ours. (Playboy) simply has no place in our social norms.” Along with that line, Jusuf Kalla, the vice-president said, “”From the government’s point of view, we disagree withPlayboy’s publication.” while a member of parliament from the Prosperous Justice Party worried that the magazine would harm the morality of the youth.
A series of protests by Islamic organizations such as FPI (Islamic Defender Front), Muslim Peduli (Concerned Muslim), and KAMMI (Action Union of the Indonesian Muslim Students) also took place in major cities voicing the same message, among them are “Reject Playboy!”, “Don’t publish that filth here. Keep the Indonesian nation clean,”, and “We don’t need that sort of porno here. There’s enough vice here already.” (The Guardian)
All these facts reveal the same idea: Playboy, according to a number of Indonesian Muslims, is bad as its vulgarity in terms of exposure of sexuality is strongly against Islamic values and potentially endangers the morality of the youth.
Effect on Indonesian Culture
Playboy’s controversy has certainly drawn attention from the vast majority of Indonesians. This is believed to lead to the passing of the Pornography Bill into law by Indonesian Parliament on October 30, 2008. The attempt to pass the bill itself has been made since February 14, 2006 in which the bill still used its original name, the Anti-Pornography and Pornoaction Bill.
Between these two dates, Playboy has been prosecuted by FPI (Islamic Defender Front) and the editor was facing a two-year jail sentence for publishing indecent material. However, the judge said the charges were incorrectly filed under Indonesia’s Criminal Code, when it is the country’s Press Law which should have been applied (ABC News Online). In other hand, Jusuf Kalla, the Indonesian vice-president, stated that the problem could be overcome if there had been a law regulating pornography and pornoaction (Gatra).
Few days following Playboy’s first publication in Indonesia, several Islamic mass organizations in Central Java inspected street magazine shops and sellers and confiscated all Playboy magazines as well as all other men’s magazines they found. Avoiding potential anarchy those people may cause, the police finally did the inspection themselves (wikipedia). Looking at all controversy that already happened, we can conclude that Playboy basically causes social unrest in Indonesia.
Having read all these facts and opinions, we now know the reason why Playboy was rejected. We can also draw a major conclusion: not all American artifacts can be accepted and prevail in Indonesia and in order to do both, they need to respect local values and in this Playboy’scase: Islamic values. Furthermore, as Indonesian society and American society have different culture, values, and norms, it is important that any kind of American products willing to expand their market in Indonesia consider and analyze these differences more so that thePlayboy’s failure will not happen to them.
Acocella, Joan. “The Girls Next Door” March 20, 2006, www.thenewyorker.com/critics/content
John Aglionby, “Jakarta struggles with the politics of pornography asPlayboy comes to town”, January 30, 2006, www.guardian.co.uk
Thompson, Geoff, “‘Playboy’ charges thrown out of court”, April 5, 2007, www.abc.net
”Wapres: Pro Kontra Playboy Karena Belum Ada UU-nya” Jakarta, 27 Januari. www.gatra.com
“Indonesian Playboy mag ‘to respect Muslim values’”, January 20, 2006, www. www.smh.com.au
“Playboy”, www.wikipedia.com
“Playboy (majalah)”, www.wikipedia.com
“RUU Pornografi”, www.wikipedia.com
*: the writer is a junior at the English Department, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Batal Kawin
The lyrics of Batal Kawin by Project Pop:
Kawin, kawin, minggu depan aku kawin
Kawin, kawin, tidur ada yang nemenin
Kawin, kawin, status di KTP nanti jadi kawin
Amiin, amiin, undangan disebar, amiin
Amiin, amiin, katering kebayar, amiin
Amiin, amiin, mas kawin dibayar lunas bilang ‘Amiin’
Amiin, amiin, amiin
Ternyata eh ternyata semua tak sesuai rencana
sampai akad pun tiba calonku tak datang juga
dia lari sama mantan pacarnya
sial sia-sia sial
Oh Mama oh Papa
Apakah salah hamba
perkawinan ini batal, bikin malu keluarga
gara-gara cari calon hanya dari bagus rupa
ternyata eh ternyata dia tidak setia, tak setia
Kawin, kawin, minggu depan aku kawin
Kawin, kawin, tidur ada yang nemenin
Kawin, kawin, status di KTP nanti jadi kawin
Amiin, amiin, undangan disebar, amiin
Amiin, amiin, katering kebayar, amiin
Amiin, amiin, mas kawin dibayar lunas bilang ‘Amiin’
Amiin, amiin, amiin
Ternyata eh ternyata semua tak sesuai rencana
sampai akad pun tiba calonku tak datang juga
dia lari sama mantan pacarnya
sial sia-sia sial
Oh Mama oh Papa
Apakah salah hamba
perkawinan ini batal, bikin malu keluarga
gara-gara cari calon hanya dari bagus rupa
ternyata eh ternyata
dia tidak setia, tak setia
Oh Mama oh Papa
Kini aku pasrah saja
carikanlah calon istri yang sesuai keinginan
yang baik, yang setia, dan bisa dipercaya
Yang amanah, fathonah, dan juga istiqomah
Laa laa laa….
Maaf aku tak bisa….
Waktu pertama kali denger lagu ni, aku penasaran banget ma kata “Yang amanah, fathonah, dan juga istiqomah” yang kedengerannya unik and ga biasa. So I decided to pay more attention to this song every time it is played on the TV. Few days later, I was able to get a copy of this song from a friend of mine. I frequently listened to it carefully and tried to catch the lyrics.
I found something interesting in this song: we should not be amazed by physical beauty, for it can be deceptive. This song tells a story of a guy who’s gonna get married. Once all the invitations were spread, all cathering and bride price paid, he, along with his family, was waiting for his bride. But, unfortunately, she never came and apparently went away with her ex. In the long run, he realized that he was too amazed by her beauty. Furthermore, he asked his parents to find him a wife that is “baik, yang setia, dan bisa dipercaya, yang amanah, fathonah, dan juga istiqomah.” (kind, loyal, trustworthy, reliable, smart, and devoted).
Well, for me, I would say, here’s the lesson, man! Never get blind of a girl’s beauty. One thing for sure is that outer appearance does not always represent inner quality. I often find a gosh darn pretty girl but her head is empty or ruthlessly evil. It’s kinda matched with the saying, “Pretty girls only care about their face (and body).” I’m generalizing here, but here’s the reality: Pretty girls are mostly dumb while smart girls are mostly not that pretty. Perhaps it’s because smart girls don’t really care about their appearance (They care but not as much as pretty girls do).
For most men, the best solution in facing the above problem is finding a pretty girl who is smart or a smart girl who is pretty (what’s the difference between two of them anyway??? LOL). But, the world is so cruel to men. Where there’s a pretty girl, there will be thousands of men competing for her. So, where there’s pretty girl with a certain quality (intelligence, personality, etc), there will be even more men competing for her. This is what is called by the principle of scarcity. The rare something is, the higher its value is, and consequently, the more people want to have it. But nothing to lose, man. As a Latin proverb goes, “Ad astra per aspera” a rough road leads to stars. So, if you want to have a pretty yet smart soulmate, you gotta take that rough road. Good luck! Remember our lesson:don’t be amazed by physical beauty, because outer appearance does not always represent inner quality.
he road that to leads to her is surely really hard! ;)
Bagaimana Menganalisis Sebuah Novel
Membaca karya sastra (seperti novel dan drama) memerlukan pendekatan yang berbeda dari membaca textbook. Dalam karya sastra, makna bacaan sering tidak disampaikan secara tersurat, namun secara tersirat. Pembaca harus memiliki kepekaan tentang makna dari karya sastra, tanpa mengharapkan pengarang secara tegas mengatakan, “Ini gagasan A. Ini gagasan B.”
Penulis yang baik menciptakan cerita yang tertata dan dapat dimengerti. Contohnya, cerita biasanya diceritakan secara kronologis, secara flashback, dari sudut pandang yang berbeda, dan lain sebagainya. Penulis kadang juga menyediakan banyak petunjuk tentang makna atau gagasan utama yang ingin mereka sampaikan pada pembaca.
Secara khusus, poin-poin berikut penting untuk dipertimbangkan saat membaca dan menganalisis karya sastra:
Penokohan: Siapa karakter utamanya? Siapa nama mereka dan apa peran mereka? Siapa yang bercerita? Apakah orang ini memihak? Karena itu, bisakah kita mempercayai yang dia katakana?
Kejadian dan Interaksi: Apa yang terjadi dalam cerita? Bagaimana tokoh-tokoh berinteraksi? Bagaimana hubungan mereka? Mengapa mereka bersikap atau bertindak seperti itu? Mengapa kejadiannya berjalan seperti itu?
- Tempat: Dimana cerita berlangsung? Apakah tempatnya berarti pada cerita ?Apakah tempatnya menyediakan background? Apakah tempatnya memberikan informasi historis, fisik, atau informasi lain yang penting pada cerita?
- Waktu: Kapan cerita terjadi? Apakah cerita tidak memiliki batasan waktu atau ditempatkan pada tempat dan waktu tertentu?
- Penataan : Bagaimana cerita ditata? Biasanya cerita diceritakan secara kronologis, namun dalam beberapa karya, pembaca bisa menemukan penulis yang mundur dan maju (dalam hal waktu dan tempat).
- Gaya penulisan : Apa yang gaya penulisan ceritakan pada pembaca ? Apakah gaya penulisannya penuh dengan detail ?Apakah ringan ?Bagaimana gaya penulisan mempengaruhi makna cerita ?Apakah pembaca harus membuat asumsi atau tebakan karena ada celah dalam cerita ?
- Simbolisme : Simbolisme bisa menjadi rumit karena terkadang bacaan berlaku seperti “sebuah cerutu hanyalah sebuah cerutu” (mengatakan yang sebenarnya atau bermakana denotatif-pen.). Di lain waktu, sebuah perjalanan melambangkan sesuatu yang lebih dari perjalanan itu sendiri. Misalnya, perjalanan Huck Finn lebih melambangkan perkembangannya sebagai seorang individu daripada perjalanannya menyusuri sungai.
Tema : Apa saja tema dalam cerita ? Unsur atau gagasan apa yang diulangi atau ditekankan ?Perhatikan ini di seluruh bacaan, tidak hanya di akhir cerita. Perhatikan tokoh, tempat, dan kejadian yang berkali-kali muncul.
- Penceritaan Kembali Sebuah Cerita : Banyak cerita bercerita dengan cara menceritakan kembali cerita yang sudah ada sebelumnyha. Jika kita cermati perjalananan Huckleberry Finn, kita bisa menemukan perjalanan-perjalanan serupa dari mitologi Yunani (Odyssey karya Homer) sampai Injil (perjalanan ke Magi).
* Sebuah terjemahan dari file “How to Analyze Novel” tanpa nama pengarang dan alamat sumber referensi.
A Report from Disarmament and International Security Committe (DISEC), HNMUN 2010
Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) 2010 is one of the most prestigious events I ever participated in, from which I gained enormous invaluable experiences. Representing Paraguay, I, along with Buna Rizal Rachman, joined other delegates in the first committee, Disarmament and International Security (DISEC). Attended by more than 300 delegates, it was the largest committee in HNMUN 2010.
Taking place in Imperial Room, Boston Park Plaza, the DISEC conference started with the debate over which topic that the delegates would discuss throughout the conference as there were two topics given by the committee: Militarization of Arctic and Nuclear Terrorism. The formal debate proceeded with most delegates favoured the latter. In the long run, the committee chose Nuclear Terrorism to be the topic of conference by overwhelming majority of those who favoured over those who were against.
The next stage of conference was discussing major problems lying within the scope of nuclear terrorism such as inadequate guarding system of nuclear facilities in certain countries, reluctance of some countries to comply with international standards with respect to their maintenance and development of nuclear power, and poor border control among countries, which all might resulted in detrimental threats of terrorist attacks. The discussion was mainly consisted of clash of opinions since every country had its own policy and interest regarding its nuclear program. As a result, such situation led to the emergence of new issues such as state sovereignty (questions arising over this issue comprised whether or not every country has an inalienable right to develop nuclear program with limited interference of foreign countries) and the questions over the legitimacy of the Non-Proliferation Treaty since not all nuclear powers are its signatory such as India, Pakistan, and Israel, and that it has created confusion due to multiple interpretation of it in areas such as whether or not nuclear power states must disarm their nuclear weapon.
The conference continued to finding the solution to the problems discussed in the previous sessions. Again, since every country had its own policy and interest, it was quite challenging to find solutions that satisfied the entire committee. A clash of interests took place in areas such as the total disarmament of nuclear weapon. Many countries such as Japan and Portugal strongly aspired to such idea, believing that the presence of nuclear weapon was one of the primary causes of nuclear terrorism while countries such as Russia firmly opposed to the idea, believing that many measures could be taken to ensure the safety and the security of nuclear weapons in many countries, thus reducing the risk of nuclear weapons falling into the possession of terrorists, instead of just destroy them.
Many delegates came up with excellent, creative ideas and those ideas were summarized in their working papers. In total there were more than 7 working papers in DISEC with their own strengths and weaknesses. When it came to debating over the working papers, the heat of the debate escalated and reached its climax when the committee discussed the draft resolutions. There were more than 5 draft resolutions in DISEC and the debate over them went intensely. There were times when some delegates raised their tones and expressed their resentment and disappointment. However, it did not reduce the level of their professionalism as they objectively discussed only the substantial matters. In the end, the committee successfully passed a draft resolution into a resolution by voting with rather slight difference of votes 56:46.
From the intense conference, I learn many invaluable experiences such as general assembly parliamentary procedure which is totally different from the parliamentary procedure that I learned in the campus. In addition, I also learned about what it takes in international diplomacy such as excellent diplomacy skills, ability to build an alliance, and ability to analyze and to predict the ongoing situation. Those lessons are definitely useful to help me pursue my future dream as a diplomat.
Apart from the mentioned lessons, I was also able to build new networks with other delegates, ranging from those who came from the Western Hemisphere such as the United States, Colombia, and Venezuela to those coming from Eastern Hemisphere such as China and Korea. I am now still in touch with the delegates I met during the conference and it is wonderful to have (more) friends from the international world.
*: posted by Pratama Yoga Nugroho, a junior at English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia.
UNDIP delegates to HNMUN 2010
All Indonesian delegates to HNMUN 2010
UNDIP delegates posed in front of the Statue of Liberty
Playboy is one of the largest American men’s magazines with 27 international editions. Its domination stretches in five continents, conquering the attention of most men in the world. However, in Indonesia, where a large number of American artifacts prevail, it was widely rejected. It sparked controversy even before its first publication in the country and drew massive protests from a number of Muslim societies. This paper is going to analyze Playboy deeply from four cultural criticisms as well as how and why the rejection of Playboy took place in Indonesia.
Phenomenological Approach
Playboy was founded by Hugh Marston Hefner in 1953. Its original title was to be Stag Party, but there was another magazine entitled Stag. Hefner and co-founder and executive vice-president Eldon Sellers then met to seek a new name. Sellers, whose mother had worked for the Chicago sales office of the short-lived Playboy Automobile Company, suggested “Playboy.” The name “Playboy” has since been used as the name of Hefner’s magazine.
Playboy made its first publication in December 1953, with no date printed as Hefner was unsure whether or not there would be a second edition. This first issue sold out in weeks with the number of circulation reached 53, 991. On its first publication, Playboy was sold at the price of 50 cents.
Playboy’s popularity increased rapidly. By the end of the sixties, one-fourth of all American college men were buying this magazine every month. The best-selling Playboy edition was the November 1972 edition, which sold 7,161,561 copies. In 1972, it also launched its first international edition Germany.
However, not long after reaching its peak in the 1970s, Playboy’s circulation declined because of competition with other magazine with the same concerned field such as Penthouse, Oui and Galley in the 1970s and more recently from other men’s magazine such as such asMaxim, FHM, and Stuff. In response, Playboy has attempted to re-assert its hold on the 18–35 male demography through slight changes to content and focusing on issues and personalities more appropriate to its audience — such as hip-hop artists being featured in the “PlayboyInterview”. Through this strategy, to date Playboy remains one of the most notable men’s magazines with 27 international editions.
In total, Playboy used to be published in 36 countries but there are 9 countries where Playboy stopped its publication. Those 9 countries include Indonesia, Italy, South Africa, Turkey, etc. In Indonesia, Playboywas first published on April 6, 2006, despite massive protests from a large number of Indonesian Muslim societies. Indonesia is the second Asian region where Playboy made its publication after Japan (1975) and Hong Kong (1986-1993) (wikipedia).
Ideological Approach
Hefner said from the beginning that he was not producing a girlie magazine. He said that Playboy was a “life style” magazine, where sex is only a part of it. By publishing Playboy, Hefner was actually trying to take his readers back to a time before their first sexual experience, a time when they still liked their stuffed bear and thought that a naked woman might be something like that. According to Joan Acocella, “Playboy draws on two opposing trends that dominate American mass culture since its first launch: on the one hand, America’s idea of its Huck Finn innocence; on the other, the enthusiastic lewdness of American advertising and entertainment. The magazine proposed that wanton sex, sex for sex’s sake, was wholesome, good for you: a novel idea in the nineteen-fifties. Above all, the main value Playboy promotes is an upscale hedonism,” (the New Yorker).
Despite Playboy’s heated controversy and protests from a number of Muslim societies in Indonesia, the first issue of Playboy sold in weeks (wikipedia). It showed that there were people who actually agreed withPlayboy’s publication in Indonesia. Furthermore, according to a magazine seller, “It’s the porno that sells best, (in Indonesia),” (theGuardian). This phenomenon showed that there were a lot of people who actually enjoyed things such as Playboy which others considered taboo and indecent.
Despite Playboy’s considerably costly price of Rp, 39.000, a friend of mine, AP, a junior at Surabaya Institute of Technology, bought it. He stated that he wanted to satisfy his curiosity about the magazine; to see whether the magazine was actually mostly about pornography. Some of my friends also admitted that though they did not buy the magazine but they enjoyed reading it by borrowing from their friends. This shows that despite the protests, Playboy actually found a place in the heart of some Indonesians.
Moral/ Ethical Approach
Prior to its first publication, Playboy was already infamous Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country. It is because Playboy is identical to promoting nudity and sexuality which are strongly forbidden in the Islamic law. Hasyim Muzadi, the chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia’s largest Muslim organization stated, “Indonesia is different from Europe or America, where the culture and attitudes towards nudity are totally different from ours. (Playboy) simply has no place in our social norms.” Along with that line, Jusuf Kalla, the vice-president said, “”From the government’s point of view, we disagree withPlayboy’s publication.” while a member of parliament from the Prosperous Justice Party worried that the magazine would harm the morality of the youth.
A series of protests by Islamic organizations such as FPI (Islamic Defender Front), Muslim Peduli (Concerned Muslim), and KAMMI (Action Union of the Indonesian Muslim Students) also took place in major cities voicing the same message, among them are “Reject Playboy!”, “Don’t publish that filth here. Keep the Indonesian nation clean,”, and “We don’t need that sort of porno here. There’s enough vice here already.” (The Guardian)
All these facts reveal the same idea: Playboy, according to a number of Indonesian Muslims, is bad as its vulgarity in terms of exposure of sexuality is strongly against Islamic values and potentially endangers the morality of the youth.
Effect on Indonesian Culture
Playboy’s controversy has certainly drawn attention from the vast majority of Indonesians. This is believed to lead to the passing of the Pornography Bill into law by Indonesian Parliament on October 30, 2008. The attempt to pass the bill itself has been made since February 14, 2006 in which the bill still used its original name, the Anti-Pornography and Pornoaction Bill.
Between these two dates, Playboy has been prosecuted by FPI (Islamic Defender Front) and the editor was facing a two-year jail sentence for publishing indecent material. However, the judge said the charges were incorrectly filed under Indonesia’s Criminal Code, when it is the country’s Press Law which should have been applied (ABC News Online). In other hand, Jusuf Kalla, the Indonesian vice-president, stated that the problem could be overcome if there had been a law regulating pornography and pornoaction (Gatra).
Few days following Playboy’s first publication in Indonesia, several Islamic mass organizations in Central Java inspected street magazine shops and sellers and confiscated all Playboy magazines as well as all other men’s magazines they found. Avoiding potential anarchy those people may cause, the police finally did the inspection themselves (wikipedia). Looking at all controversy that already happened, we can conclude that Playboy basically causes social unrest in Indonesia.
Having read all these facts and opinions, we now know the reason why Playboy was rejected. We can also draw a major conclusion: not all American artifacts can be accepted and prevail in Indonesia and in order to do both, they need to respect local values and in this Playboy’scase: Islamic values. Furthermore, as Indonesian society and American society have different culture, values, and norms, it is important that any kind of American products willing to expand their market in Indonesia consider and analyze these differences more so that thePlayboy’s failure will not happen to them.
Acocella, Joan. “The Girls Next Door” March 20, 2006, www.thenewyorker.com/critics/content
John Aglionby, “Jakarta struggles with the politics of pornography asPlayboy comes to town”, January 30, 2006, www.guardian.co.uk
Thompson, Geoff, “‘Playboy’ charges thrown out of court”, April 5, 2007, www.abc.net
”Wapres: Pro Kontra Playboy Karena Belum Ada UU-nya” Jakarta, 27 Januari. www.gatra.com
“Indonesian Playboy mag ‘to respect Muslim values’”, January 20, 2006, www. www.smh.com.au
“Playboy”, www.wikipedia.com
“Playboy (majalah)”, www.wikipedia.com
“RUU Pornografi”, www.wikipedia.com
*: the writer is a junior at the English Department, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia