Friday, April 2, 2010

Batal Kawin

The lyrics of Batal Kawin by Project Pop:

Kawin, kawin, minggu depan aku kawin
Kawin, kawin, tidur ada yang nemenin
Kawin, kawin, status di KTP nanti jadi kawin

Amiin, amiin, undangan disebar, amiin
Amiin, amiin, katering kebayar, amiin
Amiin, amiin, mas kawin dibayar lunas bilang ‘Amiin’
Amiin, amiin, amiin

Ternyata eh ternyata semua tak sesuai rencana
sampai akad pun tiba calonku tak datang juga
dia lari sama mantan pacarnya
sial sia-sia sial

Oh Mama oh Papa
Apakah salah hamba
perkawinan ini batal, bikin malu keluarga
gara-gara cari calon hanya dari bagus rupa
ternyata eh ternyata dia tidak setia, tak setia

Kawin, kawin, minggu depan aku kawin
Kawin, kawin, tidur ada yang nemenin
Kawin, kawin, status di KTP nanti jadi kawin

Amiin, amiin, undangan disebar, amiin
Amiin, amiin, katering kebayar, amiin
Amiin, amiin, mas kawin dibayar lunas bilang ‘Amiin’
Amiin, amiin, amiin

Ternyata eh ternyata semua tak sesuai rencana
sampai akad pun tiba calonku tak datang juga
dia lari sama mantan pacarnya
sial sia-sia sial

Oh Mama oh Papa
Apakah salah hamba
perkawinan ini batal, bikin malu keluarga
gara-gara cari calon hanya dari bagus rupa
ternyata eh ternyata
dia tidak setia, tak setia

Oh Mama oh Papa
Kini aku pasrah saja
carikanlah calon istri yang sesuai keinginan
yang baik, yang setia, dan bisa dipercaya
Yang amanah, fathonah, dan juga istiqomah

Laa laa laa….
Maaf aku tak bisa….

Waktu pertama kali denger lagu ni, aku penasaran banget ma kata “Yang amanah, fathonah, dan juga istiqomah” yang kedengerannya unik and ga biasa. So I decided to pay more attention to this song every time it is played on the TV. Few days later, I was able to get a copy of this song from a friend of mine. I frequently listened to it carefully and tried to catch the lyrics.

I found something interesting in this song: we should not be amazed by physical beauty, for it can be deceptive. This song tells a story of a guy who’s gonna get married. Once all the invitations were spread, all cathering and bride price paid, he, along with his family, was waiting for his bride. But, unfortunately, she never came and apparently went away with her ex. In the long run, he realized that he was too amazed by her beauty. Furthermore, he asked his parents to find him a wife that is “baik, yang setia, dan bisa dipercaya, yang amanah, fathonah, dan juga istiqomah.” (kind, loyal, trustworthy, reliable, smart, and devoted).

Well, for me, I would say, here’s the lesson, man! Never get blind of a girl’s beauty. One thing for sure is that outer appearance does not always represent inner quality. I often find a gosh darn pretty girl but her head is empty or ruthlessly evil. It’s kinda matched with the saying, “Pretty girls only care about their face (and body).” I’m generalizing here, but here’s the reality: Pretty girls are mostly dumb while smart girls are mostly not that pretty. Perhaps it’s because smart girls don’t really care about their appearance (They care but not as much as pretty girls do).

For most men, the best solution in facing the above problem is finding a pretty girl who is smart or a smart girl who is pretty (what’s the difference between two of them anyway??? LOL). But, the world is so cruel to men. Where there’s a pretty girl, there will be thousands of men competing for her. So, where there’s pretty girl with a certain quality (intelligence, personality, etc), there will be even more men competing for her. This is what is called by the principle of scarcity. The rare something is, the higher its value is, and consequently, the more people want to have it. But nothing to lose, man. As a Latin proverb goes, “Ad astra per aspera” a rough road leads to stars. So, if you want to have a pretty yet smart soulmate, you gotta take that rough road. Good luck! Remember our lesson:don’t be amazed by physical beauty, because outer appearance does not always represent inner quality.

he road that to leads to her is surely really hard! ;)

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